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Equality. Unity. Simplicity.



Montessori Smile School Uniforms

Montessori Smile believes in equality, unity, simplicity, and an easy morning routine. Our uniform policy is in place to allow children to be children and parents to spend less time on maintaining a wardrobe.


When we simplify our clothing it frees us of the traditional social barriers. Time, finances and effort spent on clothing is minimized. We can remove the conversations children have around show characters on T-shirts and competition around the prettiest shoes and put the energy and focus on nature, academia and neutral friendships built on kindness and unity.


We picked these uniforms specifically to make washing and clothing care easy, and morning routines peaceful. Choosing clothing options we know wash and last, so playing in the grass is a happy part of any day. Just like a nurse wears scrubs, the uniform serves a purpose - and so should children’s clothing. Durable, beautiful, simple, and lasting, which allows the children to play.


Uniforms are optional


Polo Shirts

  • Classic comfortable Montessori Smile Polo Shirts. You can select these T-shirts in Blue, Navy, Pink, White and Yellow. When you only have a few shirts to pick from you often take better care and have a more simple clothing management routine.

  • Purchased through Montessori Smile below.



  • Plain non decorative Jeans are allowed and encouraged. They’re warm, don’t tear or rip easily and stains almost always come out unlike typical children’s leggings.

  • Trousers/Chinos – Navy or beige. Durable, comfortable, and lasting.

  • Shorts – Navy or beige trouser/chino shorts are available for the summer.

  • Skorts – Navy or beige pleated skorts are available for the summer.

  • Purchased through The Children's Place, The Gap or Old Navy.



  • Knit sweaters to match.

  • Purchased through The Children's Place, The Gap or Old Navy.



  • Simple comfortable shoes to match. No characters, light up shoes or fancy embellishments.

  • Purchased anywhere.




Class Portrait
Pants, Shorts, Skorts, Sweaters

Below are links to options for Pants, Shorts, Skorts and Sweaters. You may purchase as many as you like and whatever option variety you like. You may also search these items independently on The Gap, The Children's Place and Old Navy websites. You can find package deals purchasing these items in bulk, 3 or 5 pants etc. 



You may purchase the shirts you would like below. Please allow for at least 30 days for order and processing time. 




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